As if I haven't enough to do at the moment, inspiration arrives at the strangest times! I was at St Abbs last weekend for our regular Friday market and saw folks tapping away on their smart phones and i-pads, all being tucked away in dull brown and black leather cases, so I thought, they need a little colour in their lives!
Ask any knitter and the solution is obvious, the natural thing to do was to make a smart phone sock and here it is in all it's pure Shetland wool loveliness.
I'm busy writing up the patterns and knitting some more designs/colourways and will be publishing them later this week... kits with yarn and patterns also coming - ever so cheap to send out in the post and enough time to knit one between now and Christmas. Please order via the contact form - but can you wait until the end of the week? Thank you!! :)
I call this one the St Abbs phone sock as that's where I made it and the colours are just the same as the sea and the sky.